3 Fantastic Tips for a First Date

A first date conjures up a mixture of emotions. You will probably be excited, nervous and perhaps even a little bit scared. What if it doesn’t go well? Will they want to see me again?
We can’t get rid of these emotions for you but what we can do is offer some great first date tips. These will give you the best chance of making a good impression and landing that second date you want.
#1 Keep Alcohol to a Minimum
Going for a drink isn’t bad advice for a first date however it can lead to problems. While it will allow both of you to become more relaxed and open up to each other it can lead to saying or doing something inappropriate.
On a first date you want to make a good impression. You don’t want to end up staggering about the bar or trying to invite the other person back to yours when they clearly don’t want to. By all means go for a drink but don’t overdo it. Aim for beers that have a low alcohol count or avoid a spirit that you know goes to your head fast.
#2 Let Them Know if You’ll Be Late
So you have both arranged to meet somewhere. There is nothing worse than waiting around thinking that you are going to be stood up. Panic sets in and you think about leaving.
If you are running late, message the other person and let them know. It’ll reduce their anxiety and you won’t be in such a rush either. Not communicating with them and turning up half an hour late might end the first date before it has even begun. You don’t want to turn up to the bar to find out that your date has left and won’t reply to your messages because they think that you’ve stood them up.
#3 Put Your Phone Away
First date tips always mention this and for good reason! The whole point of a first date is to get to know the other person so unless you are showing them a picture of your pet on your phone keep it in your pocket or your bag.
No-one wants to go on a date with someone who is constantly on Facebook or Instagram. It will kill the conversation and you will be very unlikely to get a second date. In fact, your date might even leave early because they don’t feel important.
First Date Tips for Men and Women
Going on a first date is nerve-racking but with these 3 tips you can give yourself the best possible chance of success.
Ignore first date kiss tips that tell you to go in for a kiss half way through the date – this rarely works. If you feel like you are getting positive vibes, then perhaps try it at the end otherwise hold off until the next time you see the other person.
A good first date should be about getting to know each other and finding out if it is worth pursuing a second encounter so take things slow and keep it light-hearted.