5 Bits of Dating Advice for Women We Wish Knew During Our Twenties

Dating and relationships in your twenties can a huge pain in the butt, especially when the only people you tend to attract are losers who make you want to take a vow of celibacy and never date again. We feel your pain and we asked the members of NaughtyDate.com what bits of dating advice for women they wish they had known back then.
These are there answers.
1. Don’t assume people will fall in love with you just because you want them to.
You may be pretty awesome, but sadly, people aren’t going to fall head over heels for you simply because you looked in their direction. It takes work. It takes effort. It takes patience — and many of these qualities are things 20-somethings aren’t interested in doing.
2. You shouldn’t be afraid of making the first move — it can be exhilarating!
As a key piece of first date advice for women, stop being afraid to take control of the first date and make that first move! It’s going to be terrifying, but if you’re feeling a vibe between your date and yourself, then make that first move! The guy will appreciate the move, and it may even solidify how awesome you are in his eyes.
3. Follow the other 3-month rule.
One of the pieces of advice for single women that is severely outdated is waiting 3 months to get down and dirty. Ditch that rule. If you feel like you want to have sex, go for it. What this 3-month rule is about is if you don’t like something about someone and you can’t see yourself being able to overlook it, ditch them. You can’t change people, and if their chewing with their mouth open or excessive drinking gets under your skin, just move on. You’ll save yourself a ton of headache down the road.
4. Don’t feel like you have to settle down just because everyone else is.
When it comes to dating in your twenties, women feel pressured to settle down because all of her friends are doing it. Good for them! As a single woman, dating advice people may give you will be all the ways to snag a man and how to make him propose. Blah. Blah. Blah. Forget that! Enjoy dating new people. You shouldn’t feel pressured to get into a relationship just because everyone else around you is. You do, you.
5. Don’t get fooled by someone’s pretty words.
The best dating advice for women that we’ve come across is that you should never fall for someone’s pretty words when you’re dating. Instead, pay attention to what they do. What we mean by that is if they want to date you, they will. They won’t flake, they won’t play games, and they won’t make you a last resort. You know that saying about actions speaking louder than words? This is especially true in the dating world.
If you could go back in time, what bits of advice would you tell yourself about how to date and/or relationships?