Some Definite Signs That You Have Been Ghosted

Breaking up after a long term relationship can be devastating. It can have lasting psychological effects however being ghosted and essentially being ‘broken up with’ before you have even started a relationship can be horrible too.
Feelings of low self-esteem and self-worth and a reduction in confidence are all things that come with being ghosted. Instead of suffering these negative feelings you should try and figure out when you are going to be ghosted so you can prepare for it happening.
What’s Ghosting?
We better have a look first at what ghosting actually is.
Do you remember that break up when the other person had a really frank and honest conversation about why it wasn’t working out and that you should both start seeing new people? Yeah, ghosting is the complete opposite of that. Basically ghosting is disappearing like a ghost. No replies, no explanation and no way of contacting the other person — they just fade into the distance never to be heard of again.
Unfortunately it is quite common in the world of online dating and even with relationships in cities and areas where you don’t see the other person regularly. So, how do you know what you have been ghosted?
They Never Message You First
A sure sign that you are about to be ghosted is that the other person doesn’t message you first. You always send the first message and they never make an attempt to start a conversation.
The good news here is that they are still replying to you but the chances are that is about to change. Remember those long replies you use to get with lots of emoji’s and flirty connotations, well there are about go as well. Which brings us onto…
Their Replies Are Much Shorter
They might still be sending you a message back but it seems more out of habit than something they actually want to do. You get the dreaded ‘K’ and nothing else or simply a smilie with no words.
If their replies are decreasing in length and they aren’t asking any questions then the chances are that they are starting their exit strategy and before long you won’t receive a reply at all.
Excuse after Excuse…
Finally a clear sign that you are going to be ghosted is that the other person keeps making up excuses to meet up with you. If you have been on several dates then they start making excuse after excuse and don’t want to see you it is best to cut your losses.
When you are in the process of being ghosted then it is very difficult to get the situation back under control. The other person has probably made up their mind and nothing is going to change that. The key is damage control. It will hurt at the start but take it as another learning experience.
The other person obviously doesn’t care too much if they just disappear so why should you? Most people have been ghosted so don’t feel as if you are alone instead learn from it and move on.