Know the Gestures of a Man in Love by Checking out Body Language

Ever wanted to know how to tell if a man is in love with you or not? There are some easy ways to tell if you just learn the art of body language. Men easily give off clues as to how are they feeling through their body language. There are many signs a man is in love with you, body language being the most obvious one.
But what is the body language that shows he loves you? Is he going out of your way to make you happy? Does he cook for you – making you amazing meals in the kitchen? Does he maintain eye contact pretty much at all times? These are the different body languages you can come to expect from a man in love.
There are also some really subconscious signs a man likes you. Does he always come over to you when he sees you, even if there is no need to? It shows he wants to show an interest in you – he wants to greet you and chat to you, even if there is no reason to. Is he always asking about your personal life – what you have been up to, what you are going to do at the weekend. He wants to show that he’s interested without necessarily saying so. He may also display signs of nervousness or jealousy – especially if you mention another men you happen to know and/or hang around with.
If he smiles when he sees you, there is a decent chance that he likes you or is perhaps even in love with you. Not every guy that smiles you will necessarily have feelings but if he is constantly smiling you alongside other major signs of liking you, then you should definitely count that as a good sign. Bonus points too if he laughs at your jokes – even if they’re not funny. He is trying to make you feel wanted and this is a great thing. Smiles and laughter are great and knowing that you make a guy happy is a great feeling – keep your eyes out for these signs and you will surely know exactly how he feels.
If you’ve been wondering about guys gestures and what they mean, hopefully this has helped a little. Always listening to what you have to say and making an effort to laugh when required; smiling and keeping eye contact – all show the signs of a man who is in love with you. He may show not so positive signs such as nervousness and jealousy – whilst these aren’t always the nicest traits for a man to have, the fact that he has such passionate feelings about the things you do in your life could mean that his feelings for you are just as passionate. Some men show how they feel through their gestures as they can’t get the words out so it is important to be able to distinguish the signs between a man in love and a man who is simply being friendly.