How to Make Her Want a Second Date

If you are struggling to keep girls interested beyond your first date together, then you’ve definitely been going wrong. But what is it about you that is a turn off?
Luckily we’re here to help you find the answer to your dating problems and dilemmas and help you find a way to keep your date interested and wanting to get your number to arrange your next date together.
Be intriguing, don’t give away your life story
One sure fire fail on the first date is to give away everything. Don’t do the opposite and play your cards too close to your chest, but keep a little intrigue and mystery about you. Keep something back, things she would like to know but will have to wait to find out…perhaps about your job, family, past lovers or interests. If you impress her enough with your conversation, body language and generosity, you will be enjoying a second date because she will want to know more about you.
Don’t make it all about you
A definite no, no is to make the first date all about you. Don’t talk endlessly about how successful you are, how big your house or car is, or how much money you have in the bank. Give away some details about yourself, but also ask the right questions of her. She will want a second date with you if she knows you’re interested in her and not just for her looks. And equally, don’t overdo the sexual chat or innuendo that will make her feel uncomfortable or that you’re after one thing.
Give off the right signals
You have to give off the right signals too. Look interested when she is talking about how much she loves musicals, pets or weekends spent gardening. Give her your full attention when she is tell you all about herself, and always make eye contact through your conversations. Laugh at her jokes, and give her your most gazing stare when you’re chatting to one another about what you want from a relationship. Show her you’re very much interested in her. And most definitely, keep your phone tucked away for the evening.
Head somewhere interesting for your date
Probably the most crucial thing is the venue of your first date. It’s important you have fun together if she is going to want a second date. If you – or her – are not comfortable sitting down formally for a meal together in a restaurant, don’t do it. Or if you want to chat, don’t go to a bar with loud music playing where you aren’t going to be able to hear one another. Like-wise a trip to the cinema where you can’t talk! Do something interesting together – ice skating, a walk on the beach or a romantic picnic in the park – and save the “buy you dinner” card for the second date.
Set up the second date there and then
Don’t let her leave you hanging. If you’ve enjoyed each other’s company, then arrange the second date right away. Exchange numbers and set up a time and place when you want to meet up again. You’ve taken away any doubt about whether you’re going to land a second date with your dream girl by getting her to agree to it there and then. And don’t leave it too long before you head out on the second date either…don’t give her time to change her mind.