How to Spot if Your Woman is a Gold Digger

Unfortunately there are women out there who are after one thing…money. So how do you spot if your girl is a gold digger and not with you because of love?
Not all women are sweetness and light. There are some who are out to get whatever they can from a man – and not just for the sex. It can be hard to see through it all and discover your partner is after you because of your money or wealth, but our pointers should help you figure out if that is the case in your relationship or not.
Is your woman a gold digger?
First of all it is important to understand what a gold digger actually is. And in this case it certainly isn’t referring to someone out there with a metal detector seeking unlikely riches. This is a woman who is obsessed by objects and money, wanting you to buy her lavish gifts, clothes, cars and give her some of your hard earned cash. If that is the case, she may not be with you because she fell in love with you. It’s more likely she fell in love with your wallet.
So what are the signs to spot?
Age Difference
If you are from completely generations and she is young enough to be your daughter, then she could be a gold digger. Don’t get us wrong, younger women do fall in love with older men. But consider if she is the latter, or if she’s taking advantage of you because she’s incredibly attractive and sexy and an ideal catch for an older man.
If you’re an Average Joe kind of guy when it comes to looks, and she is more resembling of a supermodel with drop dead gorgeous looks, then things might not add up entirely. If you think she could have her pick of men but has opted for you, then stop for a second and consider her ulterior motives.
Opposites can attract so don’t be put off if she has completely different interests to you. But do question if she is a gold digger if she has too many similar interests to you. If she likes the same sports or team as you, the same songs and bands, the same food, the same drinks, everything…then just consider whether she’s attempting to prove you’re good together because you like the same things. Also think about how you met? Was it a natural attraction or not?
There two things to consider when it comes to sex. If she doesn’t want any, but is happy to spend your money, then she is probably a gold digger. If she wants it all the time to keep you happy, that should set an alarm bell or two off in your head. If your sex life is fairly normal, then your girl probably isn’t with you for your wealth.
Finally, it is the money thing that so many of the other points relate to. If you are constantly being asked for money for shopping, clothes or shoes, or she is constantly pleading poverty, then it could be your cash is what her eyes are set on. Particularly if this starts in the early throws of your romance.
If two or three of the points above ring true when it comes to your relationship, you may have shacked up with a gold digger and you’ve not met the love of your life.