Signs You Subconsciously Want to End Your Relationship

If you’ve got doubts over whether you love your partner any longer or you’re wondering if your relationship has run its course, there are tell-tale signs to look out for to find the answer. And the best starting point is yourself.
You might still be a married couple or living together or you still have a fun relationship, but there are obvious signs that you are subconsciously thinking or ending things. Some reasons why it might not be working are:
The spark has gone
If you have become a couple who have got stuck in the daily grind and don’t have fun together any more, then things couple well be over. If there is no cuddling, hand-holding and most importantly sexual chemistry and spark between you any more, then it might well be the time has come to call it a day. You will know that deep down in your mind…it’s just a case of telling yourself that it is true. If there is no intimacy between you, then you’re just bobbing along in an empty relationship and it has no longevity.
Arguments are more frequent
If you are finding yourself getting annoyed by the tiniest thing, or getting irate at something completely irrelevant that you partner does, then it doesn’t offer the best sign that your relationship will last. If there is no real reason why you are getting angry, then stop for a minute and consider whether it is all worth it. You’re unlucky to live the happily ever after if you are constantly arguing with one another…even if the making up afterwards in the bedroom is exciting.
Friends are more important
If you have stopped spending time together, are not going on dates or nights out for meals and drinks with your partner, and you’re heading out with your friends an awful lot more than before, there is probably a reason behind it. If a girly night out, or having your friends round for dinner, is more important to you than spending an evening snuggled up with your partner watching movies or dancing the night away at a bar or club, then you’ve already subconsciously made your mind up. Your relationship doesn’t mean as much to you as it once did.
You’ve already considered what it might be like to be single
If you have already considered what it might be like to be single and living on your own, then your relationship is unlikely to last much longer. If you have thought to yourself “what would I be doing if they weren’t here?” or “wouldn’t it be great if I was here on my own enjoying some peace and quiet”, then you have seriously thought about ending your relationship. Worse still, if you have had thoughts about exes or even contacted some of your old flames, then your mind is made up. It’s over. It’s just a case of admitting it to yourself.
There are undoubtedly pointers in your life that suggest you want out of your relationship. It is a case of joining all the dots and piecing together all the signs to tell yourself that you don’t want to be together any more. There are likely to be several minor things that add up to one greater sum and if that is the case, you need to consider ending things with your partner.