What are Girls Most Attracted to?

What do women find attractive in a man and how can you make yourself more appealing to the opposite sex? The dating game can be a minefield and it can be hard to know in today’s modern society whether you should be charming, sensitive, dominant, considerate, rich, buff or all of these. Are you expected to pay or go Dutch? Who decides where you go? What does a woman want from a man? We take a look at five factors and how you can improve your chances of attracting women.
1. First impressions count but what do girls find attractive?
If you are new to the dating game and haven’t been out looking to meet someone for a while then learning how to dress and groom yourself is key. You want to look good and make sure that you at least look the part. First impressions count so it starts with the wardrobe and appearance. Probably best to seek out some help if you really don’t have a clue. Don’t get sucked into the fashion trends. No good wearing drainpipe jeans if your bum just isn’t going to look right! Don’t dress for fashion. Dress for what makes you look and feel good.
2. Bring your ‘A’ game
You don’t need an arsenal of chat up lines to make yourself attractive to a woman but you do need to have a certain amount of confidence. Standing their muttering and stumbling your way through a conversation is going to lead to awkward moments and awkward silences. Much of the time the girl is going to be as nervous as you. Be confident and charming, compliment her but don’t over-do it and find out what she is interested in. Let her talk about herself and listen! More importantly be yourself. You want her to like you for you and not who you are pretending to be.
3. Status is a key factor
While not everyone is materialistic and interested in money, for women they like to know that you have enough to hold your own or take care of them. Some women are fiercely independent, some like to think that someone is going to be able to look after them. Having a good job and being able to afford to take her to nice places is important. You can’t expect to turn up for a date and for her to pay for it. While there are some women who might like that you can bet they are in the minority.
4. Be decisive
One of the things that make men attractive to women is having someone who can be decisive and take charge. Leaving it up to the woman to decide where you go can be a bit of a turn off. Ask them what they like, where their favourite restaurant is etc. but surprise them with the destination. If you take charge and show a woman a good time by taking her to places she hasn’t been before you have a better chance of sweeping her off her feet.
5. Please her in the bedroom
Of course, sexual chemistry is an important factor in a relationship and many women will list a considerate lover as one of the good qualities in a man when they are making their wish list. Now some men consider themselves to be an Adonis in the bedroom department. Some may have good reason to think this, others just like to convince themselves. If you are unsure then read up on what women like, experiment in the bedroom and find the things that she likes. This will give the impression that you know what you are doing at least. If you are just going in for the end game for yourself then she’s not going to be very impressed. Learning how to please her will make you much more attractive to women.
While all of the above should help you to decide how to dress, how to behave and how to be more attractive to women it is important that you are yourself. The more relaxed you are the more confidence you will exude. Remember it is important that you both have fun and enjoy your dating experience.