What to Do If a Guy Knows You Like Him

So, you have the hots for a guy but you aren’t sure if he knows that you like him or not. If he does know then you’re not sure if he feels the same. Sound familiar? Well let’s look at how to make it easier and how to show him that you like him if you think he doesn’t.
Does he know I like him?
So first you need to establish if he likes you. Now different guys will have different ways of dealing with this. If he is a shy guy it can be hard to tell how he feels and he may come across like he’s just not interested. This doesn’t mean that he doesn’t know you like him or that he doesn’t feel the same. He’s probably just feeling a bit shy and embarrassed. If he’s more of a confident guy then he will either not be interested and avoid you quite noticeably or he will reciprocate the feeling with a few tell-tale signs.
The signs that show that a guy knows that you like him
Other than completely ignoring you and walking away when he sees you because he’s not at all interested, there are a few signs that he knows that you like him. These include smiling at you and catching your eye at any given opportunity or, and this is the big one, connecting with you on social media. He friend requests you on Facebook, follows you on Instagram and starts liking your posts.
Does he like you too?
If he’s smiling at you, engaging with you and following you on social media then it is fair today that he likes you. Now the absolute giveaway is that most of you looking really hot from 6 months ago that you get a like notification on all of a sudden! Of course, you will really know he likes you when he asks for your number or asks you on a date. You could ask him but you need to make him do some of the chasing for fear of coming across as a bit too keen.
How to show him you like him
If you are still not convinced that he knows if he likes you, perhaps it’s time to show him! How do you do this though? Well, you can try flirting, make eye contact and hold it for a while, smile at him or even touch his arm gently. Don’t grab it or you will look like a mad woman. All of these moves need to be deliberate but subtle. You want him to think that you like him, not scare him off.
Be patient but be careful that he doesn’t get snapped up by someone else. If you really like him and you want him to know that you like him you are going to have to act quickly but don’t make it to obvious. Don‘t start waiting outside of his work or his house or leaving presents on his doorstep – that’s just weird. No, do it gently, subtly, smile, wink, flirt, be playful and before you know it he will not only have got the message but hopefully he will start to retaliate.