When to Kiss a Girl: 5 Signs She Wants to Kiss You too

Are you dating a girl you really like but haven’t yet kissed? Then you’re probably wondering when is the right time to kiss a girl. It’s a difficult question and one that can leave you feeling confused and stressed. After all, there are few things more nerve-wracking than the first kiss with someone you really like. You don’t want to move too soon as it might scare her off, however, delaying it for too long could put you where you don’t want to be – the “friend zone”. To make sure you get your timing right, take a look at these signs she wants to kiss you.
How to tell if a girl wants to kiss you
#1 She’s relaxed in your arms
If you hug her she’s still tense and restraining her body when she’s in your arms, chances are she’s not ready to kiss. But if she seems relaxed and she looks in your eyes when you pull back from your hug, it’s a good sign she wants to kiss. If you feel like you’d be forcing her to kiss you, then stop and take things at her pace.
#2 She moves near to you
Knowing when to kiss a girl is difficult, but one of the biggest signs that she’s ready is that she starts to move nearer to you. Whether you’re sat in a café or on the bus, you notice that your legs are now touching. It shows that she’s comfortable with you and ready to become more intimate.
#3 She’s more tactile
If you’re constantly wondering ‘when is time is right to kiss a girl?’, look closely at her body language. If she’s touching you, it’s a good sign that she may be ready to kiss. Pay attention to if she’s touching your leg, arm, or hair. In doing so, she’s showing you that she’s into you.
#4 She takes longer to say goodbye
If your girl has started to linger when it comes to saying bye at the end of a date, there’s a good chance she wants you to finally kiss her. If you’ve walked her home and you’re both standing at her door and she’s not rushing inside, it may be time to take a leap of faith and lean in for that long-awaited kiss.
#5 When she goes for it
Whoever said the guy needs to be the one to make the first move? Whilst not all girls will initiate the first kiss, plenty of them do. It’s not only really hot when girls do this, but it will reassure that she’s definitely into you. Take your time in the early days of your relationship and see if she goes for it – if she does, she’s certainly interested!
Taking notice of these signs will help you to know when to kiss a girl. Only move in for a kiss when you’re sure she is ready, or it could be very awkward or even scare her off altogether. Once you finally lock lips with your lady, you’ll no doubt have a whole host of other questions you need answering, such as how to French kiss or where to put your hands when kissing a girl!