How to Feel Sexy Again: Bring Your Inner Sexiness Out to Play

Do you find that you want to have sex much less often these days? Perhaps the idea of a naughty romp doesn’t make you feel as excited anymore? If so, you need to act now to regain your inner sexiness. That sexy, flirtatious girl is still in there, and there are ways you can bring her out to play again. Here’s how to get your sexy back…
5 ways to feel sexier
Sexiness can’t be simply turned on and off. You need to really get in touch with your body and tap into your sensual nature. If you can do this, a fantastic sex life awaits. Here are 5 ways to feel sexier.
Ditch the sweat pants
If you’re constantly thinking “I don’t feel sexy” or “I don’t feel attractive”, but you spend your life wearing frumpy attire like sweat pants, it’s no big surprise. You’re unlikely to feel sexy if sweats have become your go-to after-work clothing choice. Whilst you don’t have to wear fishnets and heels every night, it’s a good idea to buy some nice clothes that make you feel good for when you’re just relaxing.
Think about the last time
If you’re looking for something to get you feeling sexy, try thinking about the last time you had really great sex. Replay the erotic encounter in your head and it will almost certainly whet your appetite for more of the same. Think about what makes you feel sexy during sex and ask your man to help you feel that way again.
Give your eyes a treat
Women are very visual creatures, so why not give your eyes a treat if you want to feel sexy again? If you’ve got a thing for Jamie Dornan, stick on “50 Shades”, or if Kit Harington does it for you, re-watch “Game of Thrones”. Treating your eyes will surely help reignite your desire.
Touch your skin
After you’ve had a shower, take the time to massage your skin with lotion. Or give yourself a neck rub to relax yourself. A good tip is to caress your skin with a soft brush for a few minutes each day. It can make your skin feel alive and may put you in the mood for more intimate activities with your guy.
Create an adult-only zone
Nothing kills sexiness like a room full of toys, nappies and kid’s artwork. So, if you have children, try to have a space in your home that’s adult-only. This will give you an area in which you’re free to focus on yourself and be you, rather than simply a parent. Make sure it has nothing kid-oriented in it. The bedroom is a good choice, especially if you’d love to wake up to some good morning sexiness!
Although there’s not one single answer to how to make a woman feel sexy, there are lots of things you can do to regain your sexiness. Hopefully, these tips will help you to get your sexy back and feel excited about getting down and dirty with your guy again!